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Friday, March 23, 2012

Trick Painting Walls

Trick Painting Walls
When they want to paint the walls, the first thing you should consider well the color selection. Use a color that coordinates with the wall that will function in the paint, must not only according to taste. In choosing a brand of paint, do not also just seen from the brand and price alone. Should note also the quality of the paint.

Good quality paint, usually have the scatterplot and the cap is good, easy to apply and safe for the environment. When you start to paint, avoid certain conditions, such as painted walls exposed to direct sun, the temperature of the wall surface should not be above 50 degrees Celsius, the wall surface when it is foggy or misty weather.

Some of the preparations to be done before painting, is:
  1. Clean the entire surface of the wall of dirt and make sure the conditions are not damp.
  2. Scrape all the old paint marks it flat, if necessary, clean it with sandpaper.
  3. Stir in remaining there until the nails are not visible on the surface of the wall, then cover with putty until smooth and dry.
  4. Make sure you have enough paint in the same color, so you will not have to use the lack of paint and paint with different colors.
  5. Close location to the paint from children and pets. Close also around the walls of the plastic and move the goods from the place to be in the paint.
  6. Before painting, it helps the room cleaned of dust.
  7. Try to place the paint will have adequate ventilation, but if forced, use a mask to cover nose and mouth to avoid inhaling chemicals that evaporate from the paint.
  8. Use wall putty (plamir) to seal cracks and crevices in the wall, and blend until smooth with sandpaper.
  9. Cover the floor with plastic or newspaper to the floor is not dirty, paint splash at the time of painting.

When starting the painting:
  1. First paint the ceiling, so that if there is splattered on the wall will not cause any problems.
  2. Use a roller to paint large areas quickly, then use a brush to paint every corner of the meeting of two walls.
  3. When the painting is still not good (pinto), repeat the painting once again.
  4. If there are splashes of paint that fell to the floor, should be cleaned immediately with a damp cloth.
  5. Cover the paint cans tightly after completion, so the rest of the paint does not dry out
Hope this is useful as home design inspiration to build your dream house.
Thank you

Written By : design ~ FREE DESIGN NEWS

Article Trick Painting Walls Posted By design On Day Friday, March 23, 2012. Thank you for your visit and your willingness to read this article. Criticism and suggestions can you convey through the comments box.



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