10:25 PM design
Minimalist Design Of Stairs

Functionally, the ladder is vertical access at home. Various design steps can be an attraction as well as an advantage for limited occupancy. In addition to functioning as a vertical circulation access to the house, the ladder can also be an attraction of the house. Generally, the ladder model is U, L, and circular.Whatever model and type of ladder you'll use at home, the first thing to look at is the appropriate type of construction to build it. Whether it is reinforced concrete, wood, steel, or other construction.
To find out, you can customize it with materials that have been used previously. If your home uses a lot of wood construction, create a staircase with wooden construction. Likewise, if you are using reinforced concrete.
a few steps to your design :
U L stairs and ladders are quite popular because it can be combined well with the house plans, which generally has a rectangular shape. Unlike the case with a circular staircase, which requires a special trick to put it in homes, for example by making ladder stand alone in the room is quite spacious.
Related Posts : Home Design,Interior Design
Written By : design ~ FREE DESIGN NEWS
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