Java custom home is very diverse caecal here I'll try to give an illustration in general.
The study of the art building by the Java community commonly called Science Kalang Kalang.
Yang Wong also called a principal building in the art of building Java there are 5 (five) kinds, is:
- Bake-pe, the only building with a roof next to the side : Type and sub type Bake Pe: Principal, Trajumas, Kiosk, gedhang, Cere Gancet, Empyak Setangkep, and unison.
- The village, which is building the two sides of the roof, a ridge in the middle. : Village type and sub type: Principal, Trajumas, gedhang Selirang, Sinom, clamp, Elephants, Mutual deceased, Cere Gancet, Dara Gepak, Baya mangap, Pacul Gowang, Srontongan, Klabang Nyander, Jompongan, Semar, and Symbol teplok.
- Pyramid, ie the roof of the building with four sides, a ridge de middle. : Type and sub type Limasan: Enom, ceblokan, Cere Gancet, Mutual deceased, Semar, Empyak Setangkep, Bapangan, Klabang Nyander, Trajumas, Coat, Sinom, and clamp.
- Joglo or Tikelan, ie buildings with Soko Guru four sides and roof, a ridge in the middle. : Type and sub type Joglo: Hornet Goni, ceblokan, Jompongan, musicians (consisting of Hageng, Coat Hanging, and Mangkurat), Coat sari, Kepuhan (consisting of jokes, Limolasan, and Kepuhan clamp), clamp, Wantah, Sinom, and Trajumas .
- Tajug or mosque, with Soko Guru that is building four sides of the roof, without a ridge, so tapered. : Type and sub type Tajug / Masdjid: Hornet Goni, ceblokan, jokes, Coat, and Semar. resource
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