8:29 AM design
From the side, "the pool design" or rectangular is the most effective form because it can move straight in comfort and
save the land. This simple form can be explored with overflow system, so water is not only silent but continues to flow past the lip of the pool. At first glance like a river that produce gurgling sounds and blend with the beautiful garden at sekelilingnya.Tetapi try you see in the picture over flow channels are not visible but the water was just visible above the lip over flownya existing pond overflowing water flow, because this is actually there salauran to over flow but not like this generally suma approximately 8cm 0.25cm so it is not visible from the side and from the side of the plaza ditutp made of wood, how do you think looks indahkah? to "design a swimming pool" with a square shape using a minimalist system over flow
5:25 AM design
Some garden pictures shown here are expected to give an idea to you about the various concepts of beautiful gardens. Examples of the park for a variety of placements park either in front of the house, on the side or back of the house gives the impression of an interesting and refreshing.
Minimalist design park and pond. From the entrance keblog serach many who are looking for inspiration on a minimalist garden in the house or pool minimalist design in the house. Minimalist garden should feature natural accent with a material that is not too much, especially if the house has a window size of the health aspects besar.Selain and comfort of residents is very important when creating a minimalist garden.
4:48 AM design
Because of their name, bar stools are usually limited to serving as seating at bars, when in reality they are perfect for many other things. Their unique height makes them an ideal addition to other rooms besides the kitchen.
Once you see what else you can do with bar stools, you’ll wonder why you went so long before taking advantage of your bar stools. Below is a list of where to use bar stools besides the bar.
4:37 AM design
The development of real estate today is very rapid, it is marked with the number of units of development properties, for example: an apartment or a super-exclusive luxury condominium or construction of small houses that simple.
Along with the development of the property world, the needs of the community will house these days is very high. If insufficient budget to buy a house that middle-end, or a simple little house was not a hindrance to realizing the desire to have a house. Almost all product developers offering lot or small house, because of the high demand of home / residence, then only a short time be able to sell hundreds of housing units. The problem is, many developers take advantage of the momentum by building a small house with the facilities and the environment as perfunctory as we know, the House Very Simple (RSS).
11:43 PM design

Basic principles that should apply to any small-sized living room is to not put too much stuff in there. Starting from the furniture, the furniture that is not oversized, it can give a broad impression of the living room. However without the support of the other living room decor it will look boring with only a small furniture in there. The next principle in interior design small living room is by not putting items with a variety of geometric. Selecting a photo frame with a wide range of forms is not the right choice if you want to create a broader-sized living room. If a homeowner wanted to add a rug to protect the living room floor,
11:34 PM design
The living room will give the impression of the characteristics of the owner of the house, build a beautiful living room does not have to spend a lot of money, the following tips from me to beautify your living room.
There are some major things that is always there in the living room:
11:20 PM design
Arrangement of interior design minimalist dining room or semi-classic buildings influenced by the shape of your home. The dining room is spacious or narrow can be set to the maximum extent possible, to stay comfortable activity.
Structuring Interior Design The dining room can also blend with the kitchen, minibar or separate themselves. Makanpun table can be separate or fused with the kitchen design. You choose, we are giving advice where the best choice.
11:15 PM design
Forms design a personal desk to your home and your office have a clear characteristic differences. Among them for office work space layout desk positioned to be able to receive guests, while not at home so that the position can be docked kedinding desk and obtain a wider space.
The interior design workroom should be comfortable and beauty remain a priority, because it will give you positive energy for your activity.
11:08 PM design
Bulkhead placement in interior design living room make the living room becomes more privacy. Family's internal activities are also more comfortable and bulkhead serves as aesthetic elements that add value to the beauty of space.
Design bulkhead living room can be made transparent, semi transparent or totally block the view from one side, we customize to your request.
5:08 PM design
Singapore does have limited land had to be smart to think how to build a building without damaging the environment and an example made by the School of Art, Design & Media, Nanyang.
Built by CPG Consultants Pte Ltd, they managed to make a building in the area that should be a green area without unduly damaging the existing green areas.
The solution is an environmentally friendly building with a green roof (green roof) are seen together with the natural surroundings.
The design of the roof is made like a hill that could serve as a floor to walk to the top of the building that has five floors.
4:04 PM design
Java custom home is very diverse caecal here I'll try to give an illustration in general.
The study of the art building by the Java community commonly called Science Kalang Kalang.
Yang Wong also called a principal building in the art of building Java there are 5 (five) kinds, is:
3:42 PM design
Houses of wood is often used for the villa, resort, or anything to do with tourism, the building is suitable for the highlands, in addition to creating a warm wooden house was quite unik.penggunaan wood does need to be considered, as well as mentenance the extra care needed to be is very high. but do not worry, satisfaction will also be felt when you choose this type.
example of a wooden house design
4:53 PM design
There is a new trend for you who enjoyed gardening is a water garden. Usually in the form of gardens with waterfalls, ponds, fountains and decorative elements that support. With the concept of good design, you can incorporate elements of rock - rock coral, reef fish and even that will further enhance the overall appearance.
There are several things you should consider before attempting to start making a garden like this in your home, find the first location that you think fits with the design concept that you want. Find the location of the most exposed to direct sunlight, as plants and fish will require adequate sunlight.
4:39 PM design
Gazebo develop into a trend and popular in recent years as a place to relax and hold a lunch at home exterior (outdoor), especially in the park with family and relatives. There are plenty of gazebo designs to choose from according to theme, style as desired.
Then how do I choose? First of all, you must specify the location of the placement of the gazebo. Do you want the gazebo at the center of activity in the park or just hidden in one corner of the garden. You should also be aware of other buildings in your home, so it should be a consideration also its position concerning the structure of the other buildings.
12:52 AM design
Dominance is one of the basic principles tatarupa that must exist in works of art and deisan. Dominance Dominance comes from the word meaning excellence. Superior properties and this will make a special element of the puller and the center of attention.
Do you like any of the corners at one room in the house? It could be caused because the angle is a dominance/focal point of your home that seemed to call everyone who passes. In the world of design, often called dominance of Interest Center, Focal Point and Eye Catcher. Dominance has several objectives, namely to attract attention, breaks up the monotony and to break the regularities.
12:20 AM design
Especially for you lovers of nature, usually doing home design by adding a natural feel. What's more for the bathroom, because the bathroom is used to cleanse themselves and relaxation from all the busyness of everyday.
Natural bathroom can be an alternative design that you choose. In addition to more fresh and natural, in some time you will also feel like brought to the rural atmosphere is cool. If you wish to designing a bathroom for natural shades, please note the bathroom design tips these natural shades: